Things have been crazy around here the last few weeks. Ben has been studying a lot and is final finished with this semester of school. It is so nice to have a husband again. Now Ben is working a lot so he can go to school in the summer.
Isaac is growing tons! He is starting to smile and laugh. He is even starting to sleep through the night, well, some nights. He spits up A LOT just like Max did so he is on Previcid like Max was. It seems to help a little. He also has thrush on his tongue that we can't seem to get rid of. For a while he would cry and cry all the time, but he is starting to get better. Yesterday we had to take him to the doctor because he had a really bad cough. He got it from Max. We took Max to the doctor on Monday and he has croup and an ear infection. So when Isaac started coughing we got a little worried. The doctor did a chest x-ray and his lungs looked good. He just has an upper respitory infection. He seems to be doing better today. Max is doing better as well. He is on Amoxicillin and loves it. All day he asks for more pink medicine. Isaac still wants to be held all the time. He likes his swing for a while, but is much happier when he is being held.
Max is a crazy two year old! He is starting to talk a lot and sometimes in sentences. Ben still has a hard time understanding him, but I think because I am with him all the time I get most of what he says. He loves playing with the dogs and his cars. I find matchbox cars all over my house. His favorite movies right now are Cars and Finding Nemo. He wants everything Lightning McQueen. His latest thing is he wants to snuggle all the time. All day he says "snuggy mom". He is getting excited for Christmas. He is so funny, if you ask him what he wants for Christmas he says a Christmas tree. We do have one. He had fun decorating it, especially with his Lightning McQueen ornament. Every night he wants to sit by the tree with the fireplace on and have hot chocolate. He loves his nursery class. I think it's partly because Ben is in there with him. Every Sunday he can't wait to go to church. Last Sunday he was sick so he stayed home with Ben. All morning he kept asking me "church please". I had to sneak out because he wanted to come with Isaac and I to church. Max LOVES playing the Wii with my brothers. A few weeks ago we went up to a cabin at Bear Lake with my family and Max loved playing Rayman Rabbits on the Wii. He is so funny he shakes the controllers and sticks his little tongue out. His new favorite books are the Froggy books. I think they are really dumb, but he loves them. We have to read one every night. In the book the mom or dad always say, "FROOOGGGYY" and then Froggy says "WHAAT." When we read the book now I say the Froggy part and Max says "WHAAT". It is really cute. I need to get more books because I am really tired of the two books we have. Ebay is a great place to get them because they are really cheap.
I have been really busy with my tutoring business. I now have 6 kids that I am tutoring after school. I really enjoy it. It is a great way to keep teaching, but still stay home. It works out really well. Ben is home when I tutor so I have someone to watch the boys. If he does have to work my mom and Ben's mom are really good about helping out. It nice because I only work for about an hour a day and have Thursdays off. It's really cool I am starting to have teachers refer their students to me. I have got most of my clients from
We listed our house with a real estate agent about three weeks ago. We had a few people come and look at it, but the last two weeks have been really slow. I'm okay with that though. We are now thinking that we won't move. We wanted to move so we could put a basement apartment in our new house. We are kind of set up in this house to have an apartment, but we didn't have the money to put one in. Then last week I got a call from my lawyer. I am a part of a law suit against Wendy's. About two and a half years ago when I was still pregnant with Max I was at a teacher convension and Wendy's catered. Along with a bunch of other teachers, I got Ecoli. Luckily it wasn't too bad. But finally after over 2 years the lawsuit is being settled and I am going to get a few thousand for it. The plan is to use that money and change the basement into an apartment. It will be really sad because we are going to change the preschool into a kitchen. I know we aren't using that room, but I still don't really want to change it because it is so cute!
Well, that is about all that is going on right now. We are excited for Christmas and wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Sick kids are no fun. I'm really ready for mine to be healthy, they have had colds/ear infections/teething trauma since Thanksgiving and I'm done!
I'm glad you are not moving - I think your house is so cute. Hopefully the money will cover the changes and you can finish the apartment. Sometimes I would like to rent out a room - but I don't want to deal with the other person and our home would not be a two familyer...
Cute Pics, Max had that little outfit that Ike is wearing in his Bumbo. I loved it! (He only fit it for 2 weeks...)
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